Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving '08...A Photo Journal

Before the trip to Everett...Matt had to run to the store for a meat thermometer cuz I bought one that isn't made for staying in the oven (woops!). I had the chance to snap a few...Rex wasn't in the mood as he was still on his sugar high (see previous post) and refused to take a nap:Made it to Everett with 0 gas left in the tank, but no crying babies!! Our ongoing search for a decent family photo:

And the Grandparentals (before spending the wild night with Rex):

Everyone starting to get their "drink on":

After Liam slipped Rex a little something...
Sloane FINALLY wakes up in time put on her pjs post-feast:

1 comment:

Marjorie and Andrew said...

Y'all looks so cute! Tom and Diane look exactly the same!! I love the family pix!