Thursday, November 13, 2008

Before you have kids...

Matt and I were talking tonight before he headed off to Tacoma to spend the night for a work thing (my first night alone with both kids...yikes!) about things you should consider/do before you have kids. This conversation was prompted after trying to eat dinner at a Mexican restaurant...both kids starting crying/not wanting to sit down the minute we got to the table. We had to abort the plan and get food to go. On the way home Rex was whining for a tortilla chip and Sloane was screaming in her car seat even with the damn $25 traveling mobile I just bought strapped on and playing. All you can really do is laugh, but it really can get pretty overwhelming. So, anyway, our list:

--Make sure you each have a job you like, you have been at that job for at least 2 yrs, and you aren't planning to make any changes soon

Mistake 1: Matt and I both changed jobs when I was 5 months preggo with Rex.

--You are living in a house/place you like, have enough room, and you have no plans to move

Mistake 2: Matt and I have lived in 4 different places since Rex was born.

--You are basically okay with not going out to dinner as a family until the kids are in middle school.

Mistake 3: Matt and I used to eat out every night. We hate eating at home unless it is a dinner party kind of thing

--You are okay with only going out together alone maybe once every few months.

Mistake 4: I hate leaving my kids, but love going out so I always feel torn.
I could go on and on. Of course there are some good points:

--hearing your little boy say "mama" for the first time
--watching your little boy dance to Vampire Weekend
--seeing your little girl smile at you before she chows down on some boob
--holding a sleeping baby in your arms (even if it is ALL night long)
--snuggling with Matt after a loooonnnggg day of babies (a glass of wine has never tasted better)
--having the most perfect little boy and girl and realizing you will never, ever have to be preggo again

So, hmmmmm...I guess I will keep the babies (ALL OF THEM) after all.


Marjorie and Andrew said...

lol...that is so sweet! LOL I dunno if you helped or hindered my thoughts on popping one out but it sounds like good advice!

Autumn said...

You missed the part about savoring every moment of sleep.