Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My "thank you" list...

*Thank you to Matt, the love of my life (seriously), for sticking it out through my terrible pregnancy, bed rest, and the birth of our baby girl.

*Thank you to my parents for helping us with everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) from the houses to the kids to the dogs to the emotional support to finishing that last bottle of wine.

*Thank you to Autumn for calling me before I had Sloane and giving me the courage I needed to follow what I thought was right.

*Thank you to Rex for finally saying "Mama," deciding that he was done nursing (last week), and giving me tons of kisses and hugs.

*Thank you to Sloane for being so incredibly cute and perfect and smiling the best smiles in the world.

*Thank you to Matt's parents for helping with the kids after Sloane was born and giving us a much needed break in October!

*Thank you to Marjorie for reminding me of those crazy high school days in the suub.

*Thank you to Emily for helping me through the birth of your first (and only!!) niece.

*Thank you to my job for allowing me to have a long maternity leave home with the kids (back Dec. 2nd).

*Thank you to all of my friends who actually still remember me and are a part of my life even if we are far away.

*Thank you to the citizens of the U.S.A. (some of them) for electing Obama!

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