Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving '08...A Photo Journal

Before the trip to Everett...Matt had to run to the store for a meat thermometer cuz I bought one that isn't made for staying in the oven (woops!). I had the chance to snap a few...Rex wasn't in the mood as he was still on his sugar high (see previous post) and refused to take a nap:Made it to Everett with 0 gas left in the tank, but no crying babies!! Our ongoing search for a decent family photo:

And the Grandparentals (before spending the wild night with Rex):

Everyone starting to get their "drink on":

After Liam slipped Rex a little something...
Sloane FINALLY wakes up in time put on her pjs post-feast:

Thursday, November 27, 2008


We are off to the parentals this afternoon. Rex, of course, woke up at 7 AM. I started baking a caramel apple pie (almost finished now) and some ambrosia salad. Rex ate 10 slices of sugared apples, pie dough, maraschino cherries, a waffle, a veggie sausage, and a half of a banana. The kid has only been awake for 2 1/2 hours! I sliced apples with Sloane in the front pack and had visions of accidentally wounding her...we made it though! So, I just have the free range turkey breast to go. Matt is awake now to entertain Rex a little bit, but I have to say Rex was a pretty darn good boy (as long as I kept feeding him one point he actually asked to try the raw flour and brown sugar). One more little invention that is great to keep him occupied:He can stand on it and be counter height. He eats there, watches me not cook, reads books, etc. Okay...Sloane wants to eat and then have to get the kids in the double jogger. I am thankful for these days that Matt runs with me so that I have a partner in pushing it. I still would love to see a web board just for moms who actually jog with their double jogger.

Oh....HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! 1 year later, 1 more kid, 1 more house...everything else pretty much status quo!
The pie (yes...I made the crust):
Rex and Matt downloading x-mas songs for the big t-giving fiesta later:
Sloane and Kate tired after all of the morning cooking:
Sloane looking adorable a few days ago (hey...had to throw it in!):

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My "thank you" list...

*Thank you to Matt, the love of my life (seriously), for sticking it out through my terrible pregnancy, bed rest, and the birth of our baby girl.

*Thank you to my parents for helping us with everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) from the houses to the kids to the dogs to the emotional support to finishing that last bottle of wine.

*Thank you to Autumn for calling me before I had Sloane and giving me the courage I needed to follow what I thought was right.

*Thank you to Rex for finally saying "Mama," deciding that he was done nursing (last week), and giving me tons of kisses and hugs.

*Thank you to Sloane for being so incredibly cute and perfect and smiling the best smiles in the world.

*Thank you to Matt's parents for helping with the kids after Sloane was born and giving us a much needed break in October!

*Thank you to Marjorie for reminding me of those crazy high school days in the suub.

*Thank you to Emily for helping me through the birth of your first (and only!!) niece.

*Thank you to my job for allowing me to have a long maternity leave home with the kids (back Dec. 2nd).

*Thank you to all of my friends who actually still remember me and are a part of my life even if we are far away.

*Thank you to the citizens of the U.S.A. (some of them) for electing Obama!

Monday, November 24, 2008

I know...boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Promise to have some more sex posts up soon!!!

My kids are SO sophisticated...

Unfortunately, this article reveals that Matt and I are bulimic!

Check this out---

Nap without guilt: It boosts sophisticated memory

By LAURAN NEERGAARD, AP Medical Writer Lauran Neergaard, Ap Medical Writer – 2 hrs 2 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Just in time for the holidays, some medical advice most people will like: Take a nap. Interrupting sleep seriously disrupts memory-making, compelling new research suggests. But on the flip side, taking a nap may boost a sophisticated kind of memory that helps us see the big picture and get creative.
"Not only do we need to remember to sleep, but most certainly we sleep to remember," is how Dr. William Fishbein, a cognitive neuroscientist at the City University of New York, put it at a meeting of the Society for Neuroscience last week.
Good sleep is a casualty of our 24/7 world. Surveys suggest few adults attain the recommended seven to eight hours a night.
Way too little clearly is dangerous: Sleep deprivation causes not just car crashes but all sorts of other accidents. Over time, a chronic lack of sleep can erode the body in ways that leave us more vulnerable to heart disease, diabetes and other illnesses.
But perhaps more common than insomnia is fragmented sleep — the easy awakening that comes with aging, or, worse, the sleep apnea that afflicts millions, who quit breathing for 30 seconds or so over and over throughout the night.
Indeed, scientists increasingly are focusing less on sleep duration and more on the quality of sleep, what's called sleep intensity, in studying how sleep helps the brain process memories so they stick. Particularly important is "slow-wave sleep," a period of very deep sleep that comes earlier than better-known REM sleep, or dreaming time.
Fishbein suspected a more active role for the slow-wave sleep that can emerge even in a power nap. Maybe our brains keep working during that time to solve problems and come up with new ideas. So he and graduate student Hiuyan Lau devised a simple test: documenting relational memory, where the brain puts together separately learned facts in new ways.
First, they taught 20 English-speaking college students lists of Chinese words spelled with two characters — such as sister, mother, maid. Then half the students took a nap, being monitored to be sure they didn't move from slow-wave sleep into the REM stage.
Upon awakening, they took a multiple-choice test of Chinese words they'd never seen before. The nappers did much better at automatically learning that the first of the two-pair characters in the words they'd memorized earlier always meant the same thing — female, for example. So they also were more likely than non-nappers to choose that a new word containing that character meant "princess" and not "ape."
"The nap group has essentially teased out what's going on," Fishbein concludes.
These students took a 90-minute nap, quite a luxury for most adults. But even a 12-minute nap can boost some forms of memory, adds Dr. Robert Stickgold of Harvard Medical School.
Conversely, Wisconsin researchers briefly interrupted nighttime slow-wave sleep by playing a beep — just loudly enough to disturb sleep but not awaken — and found those people couldn't remember a task they'd learned the day before as well as people whose slow-wave sleep wasn't disrupted.
That brings us back to fragmented sleep, whether from aging or apnea. It can suppress the birth of new brain cells in the hippocampus, where memory-making begins — enough to hinder learning weeks after sleep returns to normal, warns Dr. Dennis McGinty of the University of California, Los Angeles.
To prove a lasting effect, McGinty mimicked human sleep apnea in rats. He hooked them to brain monitors and made them sleep on a treadmill. Whenever the monitors detected 30 seconds of sleep, the treadmill briefly switched on. After 12 days of this sleep disturbance, McGinty let the rats sleep peacefully for as long as they wanted for the next two weeks.
The catch-up sleep didn't help: Rested rats used room cues to quickly learn the escape hole in a maze. Those with fragmented sleep two weeks earlier couldn't, only randomly stumbling upon the escape.
None of the new work is enough, yet, to pinpoint the minimum sleep needed for optimal memory. What's needed may vary considerably from person to person.
"A short sleeper may have a very efficient deep sleep even if they sleep only four hours," notes Dr. Chiara Cirellia of the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
But altogether, the findings do suggest some practical advice: Get apnea treated. Avoid what Harvard's Stickgold calls "sleep bulimia," super-late nights followed by sleep-in weekends. And don't feel guilty for napping.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Reconnecting with old pals...

I have spent some time during my fabulous maternity leave finding my old pals from high school, college, and law school. The internet is so bizarre...seems like you can google anyone. Anyway, it has been awesome hearing what people are up to. I have some pretty amazing friends. Not to make this about me, but since this IS my blog I am I the lame ass chick who lives a couple hours away from where she grew up, has two kids, and is pretty much "done" with the excitement of life?? Am I really that person?? NO!!! Here's why:

-As soon as the kids are old enough, we will be back to traveling even if it is just Hawaii.
-We still shop at Diesel and don't intend to stop.
-We can still party our asses off.
-We don't own a mini-van (remember this balances out us living close to home...minivans elsewhere are acceptable)
-We own 3 rental properties and are losing money (see....we are risk takers!).
-Our kids aren't just any kids...they are hip and happenin' beyond their years (or months).
-We have crazy friends and family who are doing interesting things AND they still want to talk to us!
-We have already lived in 4 different homes in WA over the past 2 1/2 years...settling down???

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Who's the hottest "mover?"

Imagination Movers has to be the dorkiest kid band/show, but Rex digs it. It is kinda like the we needed another version of the Monkeys! They are described as: "Alt Rock for Kids * Beastie Boys meet Mr. Rogers * Red Hot Chili Peppers meet Captain Kangaroo." Unfortunately, this is all of the eye candy that I get during the day until Matt gets home, so I am forced to lust after these guys. From left to right: Smitty, Rich, Dave, and Scott. I am gonna go for Rich and Dave as the hottest. You Texans may favor Smitty and anyone who wishes we were still in the early '90s will totally go for Scott. Rich is classic cute and Dave has more of a surfer/cool guy look. Sorry, ladies, I checked and all of the Movers are married in real life. Nothing wrong with fantasy!! Now, for Matt's sake, we can't forget about Nina...the hot lady friend of the Movers. Unfortunately, I can't track down a pic of her. I will keep trying!! Okay...found one, but not very good. She must be a real star!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Random thoughts...

-The new Beverly Hills 90210 is terrible. I mean check out the original on the soap comparison.

-No kid should get sick until they learn how to blow their own nose and can communicate their symptoms to you.

-It's totally normal to be addicted to the "Real Housewives" series, House Hunters, and Family Guy.

-Don't worry, be happy. If you aren't happy, figure out why and fix it.

-We really need a Papa John's pizza in Bellingham.

-Nordstrom is the best department store and they should demo our crap mall and just build a big one.

-Strollers, except for jogging, are overrated.

-Probably should go ahead and bail out the auto industry.

-Cookie dough is better than cookies.

-Christmas shopping is the most fun the week before Christmas.

-Stuffing is the best Thanksgiving dish.

-San Francisco is the perfect city.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sad, but funny

My running song for today...

There is always a song that I connect with when I get the chance to run kid-free with the ipod. This was mine for Saturday, November 15th. Jack Johnson, Sleep Through The Static. It reminds me of all of the innocent people who have been and will be killed in Iraq and how I hope to hell that Obama follows through on troop withdrawal. I have to admit that in my daily life of taking care of kids, working, etc. I forget about the horrendous things that are happening around me. It makes me thankful of my life, but it also makes me feel like an idiot for being so oblivious. Sorry for the "downer" post, but this is OUR reality.

Trouble travels fast
When you’re specially designed for crash testing
Or wearing wool sunglasses in the afternoon
Come on and tell us what you’re trying to prove
Because it’s a battle when you dabble in war
You store it up, unleash it, then you piece it together
Whether the storm drain running rampant just stamp it
And send it to somebody who’s pretending to care
Just cash in your blanks for little toy tanks
Learn how to use them, then abuse them and choose them
Over conversations relationships are overrated “I hated everyone” said the sun
And so I will cook all your books
You’re too good looking and mistooken
You could watch it instead
From the comfort of your burning beds …
Or you can sleep through the static

Who needs sleep when we’ve got love?
Who needs keys when we’ve got clubs?
Who needs please when we’ve got guns?
Who needs peace when we’ve gone above
But beyond where we should have gone?
We went beyond where we should have gone

Stuck between channels my thoughts all quit I thought about them too much, allowed them to touch
The feelings that rained down on the plains all dried and cracked
Waiting for things that never came
Shock and awful thing to make somebody think
That they have to choose pushing for peace supporting the troops
And either you’re weak or you’ll use brut force-feed the truth
The truth is we say not as we do
We say anytime, anywhere, just show your teeth and strike the fear
Of god wears camouflage, cries at night and drives a dodge
Pick up the beat and stop hogging the feast
That’s no way to treat an enemy
Well mighty mighty appetite we just eat ‘em up and keep on driving
Freedom can be freezing take a picture from the pretty side
Mind your manners wave your banners
What a wonderful world that this angle can see

But who needs to see what we’ve done?
Who needs please when we’ve got guns?
Who needs keys when we’ve got clubs?
Who needs peace when we’ve gone above
But beyond where we should have gone?
Beyond where we should have gone
We went beyond where we should have gone
Beyond where we should have gone

Friday, November 14, 2008

Cool article for parents...

My favorite part:
Frequently, we want something very simple from kids, like peace and quiet. Is
that too much to ask for? Sometimes, it is. Come nap time, you may be thinking,
"OK, I fed you, I changed you, I tucked you into your crib with your special
blanket and teddy bear, I even bought this expensive mobile to hang over you.
You're not teething—I checked. Everything's perfect. Children your age are
supposed to take a nap. Your nap is scheduled for right now, and I have a phone
call to make in nine minutes. Go to sleep right now!" If your child could
articulate what's happening to him, he might respond, "I love the mobile, but my
bones are growing like bamboo at the moment, and it hurts. I think I'll stay up
and cry instead."

I never really understood the pressure/fascination with independent sleep for little ones. I mean what other mammals out there expect their little babies to sleep in a secluded, dark, jail-like contraption with phony nursery music playing?? The whole concept is crazy. I totally GET why babies cry...they want to be held and comforted. When babies are ready to sleep on their own they WILL sleep on their own. I totally relate to parents who need a break from their kids, but you also kinda signed up for the job AND there are ways to take a break. I don't think letting your kids cry themselves to sleep is the route selected by good, thoughtful parents.

My next ride...

I'm not joking. It seems that Sloane needs hydraulics to be happy. What baby wants, baby gets. I came to this realization as I was running with the jogging stroller this morning. She is perfectly content in her car seat in the jogging stroller (it has major shocks), but she screams bloody murder in the car. Solution? I'm signing our cars up for "Pimp My Ride" (if it is still on the air) and I'm not looking back.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Why CA sucks right now and CT is the best!

What is happening to our dear CA and what the hell is wrong with people??

Before you have kids...

Matt and I were talking tonight before he headed off to Tacoma to spend the night for a work thing (my first night alone with both kids...yikes!) about things you should consider/do before you have kids. This conversation was prompted after trying to eat dinner at a Mexican restaurant...both kids starting crying/not wanting to sit down the minute we got to the table. We had to abort the plan and get food to go. On the way home Rex was whining for a tortilla chip and Sloane was screaming in her car seat even with the damn $25 traveling mobile I just bought strapped on and playing. All you can really do is laugh, but it really can get pretty overwhelming. So, anyway, our list:

--Make sure you each have a job you like, you have been at that job for at least 2 yrs, and you aren't planning to make any changes soon

Mistake 1: Matt and I both changed jobs when I was 5 months preggo with Rex.

--You are living in a house/place you like, have enough room, and you have no plans to move

Mistake 2: Matt and I have lived in 4 different places since Rex was born.

--You are basically okay with not going out to dinner as a family until the kids are in middle school.

Mistake 3: Matt and I used to eat out every night. We hate eating at home unless it is a dinner party kind of thing

--You are okay with only going out together alone maybe once every few months.

Mistake 4: I hate leaving my kids, but love going out so I always feel torn.
I could go on and on. Of course there are some good points:

--hearing your little boy say "mama" for the first time
--watching your little boy dance to Vampire Weekend
--seeing your little girl smile at you before she chows down on some boob
--holding a sleeping baby in your arms (even if it is ALL night long)
--snuggling with Matt after a loooonnnggg day of babies (a glass of wine has never tasted better)
--having the most perfect little boy and girl and realizing you will never, ever have to be preggo again

So, hmmmmm...I guess I will keep the babies (ALL OF THEM) after all.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Even with all of the new toys...

Rex really raked it in this birthday...I mean so much cool stuff. What does he find to play with? You guessed it...the old dog, talking toy that he got last summer in Indiana. WTF! Kids are totally drawn to this ridiculously annoying thing and now Rex is into him again. Yesterday Rex insisted on taking the thing jogging with us in the double jogger. Not only do I have over 30 lbs. of little boy in the thing along with 12 lb. Sloane and the heaviest car seat on the market, but now I have a 5 lb. stuffed animal. Rex won't even let the thing be played "head, shoulders, knees and toes" over and over again. I'm sure I looked like a freaking traveling carnival. Please, Rex, leave him for Sloane in another few months!

Rex and Sloane...ahhhhh

Sloane in her avril shirt...girlz rule. Rex featuring a birthday present from Aunt Emily.

Sloane video...

What does Perez Hilton say? Completely gratuitous...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Is satellite radio worth it?

I have free satellite in my car for 3 months...after that I think it is $12/mo. Here's the much media, entertainment does one really need? I have the reg radio, cd, ipod hook up, bluetooth. The only things that I really listen to on satellite is Howard Stern (yeah... I think the show is hilarious, I did seriously miss it, and I listen to it quite a bit now), the kids station (good songs for Rex), and a couple of indy music stations. On the Howard thing, people either hate him or love him. He swears a lot now which I kinda worry about Rex listening to, but I think it is okay in moderation and I do change the station if they totally start going off. Plus...I will be back at work soon and the kids won't be with me when I'm traveling aroound for work. Yeah, i listened to tom leykis when we were in CA, too, so shoot me! For those of you not familiar with Leykis:

Depending on who you ask, syndicated radio personality Tom Leykis is either a breath of fresh air or a foul defender of the male libido. An oracle of psychosocial truth or a sphincter of sexism. His "Leykis 101," an academic tutorial on "how to get guys laid," alternately provokes gratitude or outrage.

Do I agree with what he says? No, but it is entertainment and the perfect break from a stressful day. I think the same goes for Stern. It is foul, but hearing about Robin's big, brown, beautiful titties does put a smile on your face. Come are smiling right now!

I have reached no conclusion here...guess I have the next month to continue this important, critical decision.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

As promised...

Our little boy is all grown up! This is what we did Tuesday...surprise!

Gymnastics Cancelled!! I signed Rex up for gymnastics. 9:00 Am on Saturday...totally crappy time, but really wanted to him to get to hang with kids so we went for it. We missed the first class last week cuz I had a boob infection/flu thing. So, I haul my butt out of bed this morning (feeling hung over after drinking 3 glasses of wine...what the hell is wrong w/ me) and get the two kids in the car and head over to the Y. We have 10 min...plenty of time EXCEPT I go get get Sloane and she has spit up everywhere. So, change her clothes, her diaper, and then she wants to nurse. Come on, Sloane...make it quick! I finally get her strapped into the front pack, get Rex out of the car, and we start making a run for it cuz he is already 5 minutes late (it is so rude to walk in late!). Get to the front desk and what do I see? "Gymnastics Cancelled Today!" What the hell? Do they know what I have been through to get here? Rex was all excited about doing something fun, so I get the kids back in the car and head over to Fred Meyer so that he can cruise the toy is his birthday!

Now it is 11:45...Matt ran, I did the elliptical w/ Sloaney in the front pack (puts her right to sleep...she is still sleeping even tho I am totally sweaty), we ate lunch. Now we have to hope to hell that Rex will take a nap so that one of us can go pick up the balloons and cake. Then we have to make it to Chuck E. Cheese by 3:00 so that we can reserve a table for the 4:00 party. Damn...really wish I wasn't feeling like crapola from drinking!


How freakin' cute...

Just looking at some old know, thinking about my little Rex all grown up. I ran into some pics from a year and a half ago. Our fun, fun visit to Sequim, getting to see old friends, and drink some beer. God I miss you guys! I have never, ever found as good of girl friends. We MUST all live close together again...this is insane! I so hope that Ava and Rex "hook up" some is so meant to be.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Come on Rex...

It's 11:40 PM and Matt and I are getting our drink on...some fine red wine. Just got Sloane to sleep. Through the monitor, "mama, mama." Now Matt is downstairs getting Rex to sleep again. Please...give us a break!!! Matt was smart enough to give me his glass of wine before heading downstairs just in case I finished mine. What a guy. Maybe Rexy is just excited about his big day tomorrow full of surprises for all (yeah...I'm making excuses for him---he does this ALL of the time). Ask Rex why it took me 45 minutes to get him to take a nap today (w/ Sloane strapped to me in the front pack)--not fun. Rex already got one surprise:

Mickey's Raceway....feauturing Pete!

My little boy is 2 tomorrow...

FLASHBACK....(wrote this after Rexy was born)
On Monday, November 6, 2006, Kate noticed some fluid in her underwear. She called Matt and he met her at the doctor that afternoon. The doctor tested and it was not amniotic fluid. He thought that maybe it was urine and she just didn’t realize it. Kate was adamant that she hadn’t peed her pants, but Kate is adamant about a lot of things…They did an ultrasound and there was plenty of amniotic fluid around Baby Rex, so everything looked good. The doctor estimated baby’s weight at almost 6 lbs. The next day Kate had a meeting south of Seattle. She went to the restroom around 2 P.M…right before driving home. Same thing..fluid in the panties. The doctor’s office suggested she go right to triage at the hospital. They tested the fluid again and the test strip immediately turned blue…it was amniotic fluid. At this point, they also noticed that Kate’s blood pressure was really high. It had been great the day before at her appointment. The doctor was called and the decision was made to move Kate to a birthing room and induce labor!! 4 weeks and 1 day early!!!! Matt and Kate were scared…Kate started crying and was worried whether the baby was going to be okay. They wheeled Kate to the room in a wheelchair because of her blood pressure.

Kate and Matt called their parents, family, friends, etc. Kate’s parents soon arrived after tending to Olivia and Alfie, the 2 precious Italian Greyhounds, at home. It was suggested that Kate have something to eat…she had some soup delivered by her mom and Matt had a specially made veggie burger from Buck’s. Kate’s sister, Emily, arrived around 9 P.M.

It was election night, so the entire gang was watching the returns on the T.V. and hoping for a sweep for the democrats. Kate had to lie on her side all night to try to keep the blood pressure down. She was given magnesium to help control it. A monitor was placed on Baby Rex’s head to pay close attention to his heartbeat as labor progressed. It was steady the entire time. Kate started having contractions and lasted until about 3 A.M. without pain medication. Matt held her hand the entire time and tried to help her relax.

It was finally time for an epidural…Kate now wonders why she had insisted on not having one earlier. Matt was right about the epidural from the beginning…it is a godsend. Around 8:30 A.M. on November 8th, Kate was fully dilated and ready to push. Two fantastic nurses had just come on their shift that morning and Kate and Matt were relieved. The previous nurse was…hmmm…how do we describe her? A little rough around the edges is putting it nicely. Matt and Kate’s regular doctor had been on call all night, but he was off his shift at 8 A.M. and insisted they didn’t want him around to deliver after being up for 24 hours. Dr. Jordan was to deliver the baby.

Kate pushed for two hours. Half way through pushing her epidural wore off because the pain medication drip had not been replaced. Kate was pushing with no pain meds! Towards the end, an anthesiolgist rushed in and gave Kate some pain relief, but it was a little too late!! Nurses from the NICU (in addition to 5 interns) came in to witness the birth and rush Rex away IF he needed extra care. Kate’s parents and sister were in the room and helping Kate with each push. At 11:30 A.M., Rex Mitchel Phillips made his arrival—5 lbs, 3 oz. and 19 in. Matt rushed in to cut the umbilical cord. Rex was perfect! He is perfect! He had very dark black hair and tan/olive skin. He stayed with his new Mommy and Daddy right away and his temperature and vitals were great.