Okay....editing this in. Just found out that my other BFF has a blog too that I never knew about (hmmmmm...interesting). Anyway, I am copying her, too, I just didn't know it!
Life is pretty insane with two kids. Right now Sloane is sleeping and Rex just woke up from his nap yelling "dada" and then "mama" after he wasn't getting any response from "dada." Matt just said, "this it too hard." Hmmm...not sure what we are gonna do about that. Really it is too hard, though. I am laying here with a boob infection, Rex is obsessed with Pooh (WE HATE POOH!!...damn Pooh and the whole crew are annoying), Sloane cries non-stop in her carseat just like Rex did (our "good" baby is turning into the evilness that Rex was when he was a baby), Matt is commuting 2 1/2 hours a day, and our dogs won't stop barking. The joys of parenthood!!
Okay...now the good points. Rex wore his Handy Manny costume yesterday (no, not the dorky Disney one they sell online) and even kept his tool belt, hat, and gloves on the whole time. He doesn't realize that candy is candy so he calls it "toys." He spent the rest of Halloween unloading his "toys" from his candy bag into his toy bus. Fun, fun, fun. We aren't letting him eat any of his "toys" because the minute we open up that can of worms we won't hear the end of it. Sloane slept last night (right next to me in bed, of course) from 11:30 PM until 4;30 AM and then until 8:00 AM...wooohooo! Rex joined us in bed around 2 AM, but he actually stayed in his area of the bed so no head kicks last night.
Okay..now Sloane is awake so I gotta go. Matt and I have to find something to amuse Rex with until he goes to bed at 8:30....wish us luck.
Some Halloween pics...Sloane as "Dr. Sloane" and Rex as Manny

Lol I love the costumes! Too cute
How cute!!
I have to admit that I'm shocked by what a copycat you are. Good Lord, woman.
(I'm so glad you finally started a blog! :) )
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