--Make sure you each have a job you like, you have been at that job for at least 2 yrs, and you aren't planning to make any changes soon
Mistake 1: Matt and I both changed jobs when I was 5 months preggo with Rex.
--You are living in a house/place you like, have enough room, and you have no plans to move
Mistake 2: Matt and I have lived in 4 different places since Rex was born.
--You are basically okay with not going out to dinner as a family until the kids are in middle school.
Mistake 3: Matt and I used to eat out every night. We hate eating at home unless it is a dinner party kind of thing
--You are okay with only going out together alone maybe once every few months.
Mistake 4: I hate leaving my kids, but love going out so I always feel torn.
I could go on and on. Of course there are some good points:
--hearing your little boy say "mama" for the first time
--watching your little boy dance to Vampire Weekend
--seeing your little girl smile at you before she chows down on some boob
--holding a sleeping baby in your arms (even if it is ALL night long)
--snuggling with Matt after a loooonnnggg day of babies (a glass of wine has never tasted better)
--having the most perfect little boy and girl and realizing you will never, ever have to be preggo again
So, hmmmmm...I guess I will keep the babies (ALL OF THEM) after all.

lol...that is so sweet! LOL I dunno if you helped or hindered my thoughts on popping one out but it sounds like good advice!
You missed the part about savoring every moment of sleep.
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