Sunday, April 12, 2009
Renewed Effort #2
Okay...I have been going facebook crazy, back at work, treo work email obsessed, etc, etc. In the meantime, three months have passed....thank you! I have survived three more months of scheduling babysitters, working crazy hours, waking up 3-4 times a night, listening to screaming kids, and dealing with the crappy WA weather (it was seriously NOT this bad when I was growing up). Makes me dream of those So Cal days with Matt, having an impromptu pool party with sex drugs & rock n' roll, being tan, and laying in bed all weekend watching the Real World...........ahhhhh. I AM looking forward to this summer: trip to KY to visit my besties, IN relatives, taking Rex to water slides, not having to worry about coats for the kids, getting drunk a few times with Matt, sitting on our balcony in the sun, running in shorts, watching Sloane learn to crawl/walk. Can you tell I am desperate for some warm weather????? Now, to get through what may be the most challenging bargaining season at work...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Big Week
- Sloane took a nap in her crib for the first time...Sloane is 4 mo, 3 wks. Didn't happen with Rex until he was 6 mo, 3 wks. Didn't get a pic of Sloane...she is very sensitive to the flash, but here was little Rexy's first crib nap.
- Sloane weighed almost 15 lbs at the doc and is 26 1/2 in...3/4 in. longer than Rex was at the same age. 90% for height!! Then (1 wk.) and Now shots:

- Sloane went running in the jogging stroller for the first time without the carseat. It was SO MUCH lighter!

- Rex got his 2nd hair cut. He LOVES getting his hair cut. Rex is a total metro at 2! Pre-hair cut...(no new pics yet):
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Just wanted to say that I'm really behind on posting here...guess I kinda took a holiday break. I'm sure ALL of my followers are very concerned about me. Don't worry...everything is fine, normal, and bordering on insane. Sloane has learned to screech and is sucking her fingers 24/7 (she gets that from her thumb sucking mom...yep, til 5th grade or so). Rex is expanding his vocab and obsessed with Matt (guess now that he doesn't need my boob I am basically useless). The snow has melted (thank you) and we rang in 2009 with 3 bottles of wine, seared ahi (yeah, finally cooked something), and choc cake from costco. Man...we survived one more year...can't believe it. Happy New Year!! 

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